DecPresidential Candidate LIVE Broadcast
West Palm Beach, FL – June 20, 2007 – Today, Imperato for President 2008, the official Presidential Campaign Committee for Daniel Imperato, announced that they will be holding their sixth presidential live broadcast this Wednesday June 20, 2007 at 8pm EST. Daniel Imperato is currently an independent candidate for the office of President of United
Dec2008 Independent Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate Daniel Imperato to Have LIVE Broadcast This Thursday June 7, 2007 8pm EST
West Palm Beach, FL – June 7, 2007 – Today, Imperato for President 2008, the official Presidential Campaign Committee for Daniel Imperato, announced that they will be holding their fifth presidential live broadcast this Thursday June 7, 2007 at 8pm EST. Daniel Imperato is currently an independent candidate for the office of President of United
El candidato presidencial para el 2008 del partido Libertariano Daniel Imperato sostendrá una entrevista en VIVO este Jueves 7 de Junio del 2007 a las 8:00 pm hora del Este
West Palm Beach FL – 7 de Junio del 2007- Hoy, Imperato para el presidente 2008, el comité presidencial oficial de la campaña de Daniel Imperato, a anunciado que sostendrán su quinto debate y difusión presidencial en vivo este jueves de 7 de junio del 2007 en los 8pm EST. Daniel Imperato es actualmente un
El candidato presidencial para el 2008 esta programado para aparecer en el acontecimiento de las leyendas de WWE en Melbourne
Mayhem en Melbourne II que se sostendrá el sábado, 12 de mayo a las 7:00pm Melbourne, la Florida – 11 de mayo del 2007 – Hoy los organizadores del acontecimiento de las leyendas de WWE, “mutilación en Melbourne II” ha anunciado que han invitado al candidato presidencial para el 2008, Daniel Imperato para ser una
2008 Presidential Candidate Scheduled to Appear at WWE Legends Event in Melbourne
Mayhem in Melbourne II to be held Saturday, May 12th 7:00pm Melbourne, Florida – May 11, 2007 – Today the organizers of the WWE Legends event, “Mayhem in Melbourne II” have announced that they have invited 2008 Presidential Candidate, Daniel Imperato to be a special ringside guest. The show, hosted by Sports & Entertainment Management
Breaking News: Tony Blair Resigns and Receives Strong Support from Third Party US Presidential Candidate Daniel Imperato
West Palm Beach, Fl – May 10, 2007 – Admist the stunning news that Tony Blair has announced his resignation as the Prime Minister of Great Britain, the Mr. Blair has received strong support from fellow third party member Daniel Imperato. “Tony Blair is a man of great courage, dignity, and wisdom. He has served
Imperato sends Condolences for Kansas Tornado Victims
West Palm Beach, FL – May 7, 2007 – While driving from Jefferson City, MO to St. Louis to catch a flight, 2008 Presidential Candidate Daniel Imperato learned of the recent tragedies in Kansas. “First of all, my deepest condolences go out to those affected and the families of those affected from the devastating tornados
Imperato to Speak at Libertarian Conventions in Missouri, Michigan, and Pennsylvania
West Palm Beach, FL – May 3, 2007 – Daniel J. Imperato announced his candidacy for President of the United States in the 2008 election, on July 21, 2006. He is a second generation immigrant, and successful international business developer. Daniel has attained the American Dream. He entered the presidential race because he is not
Imperato Takes Campaign Trail to New York Libertarian Party State Convention in Long Island
New York April 26, 2007 – Continuing on his nationwide tour, America’s Alternative for 2008, Daniel Imperato confirmed that he will be taking his national campaign tour to Long Island, New York this weekend April 28-29. On Saturday, Imperato will be participating in the New York Libertarian Party Presidential Debates at 4pm EST. He will
2008 Presidential Candidate Daniel Imperato Sends Condolences Regarding Virginia Tech Shooting
Los Angeles – April 18, 2007 – Gunfire erupted on the Virginia Tech campus Monday in the Blue Ridge Mountains, killing at least 33 people in a dorm and an academic building, in attacks more than two hours apart. According to federal law-enforcement officials, this attack was the deadliest shooting rampage in American history. Upon