
Imperato Sends Condolences to China, Taiwan and Daohan Family

December 24, 2005 – West Palm Beach, FL – After learning that China’s top negotiator, Wang Daohan, died today in Shanghai, 2008 Presidential Contender Daniel Imperato reached out for China, Taiwan and the Daohan family to express his condolences. “Today is a sad day. As we look forward to celebrating our holiday season, we must

Imperato on Losing Bin Laden & the Decoy

December 21, 2005 – West Palm Beach, FL – Amidst the reports that Osama Bin Laden is no longer the head of Al-Qaeda, Daniel Imperato (www.daniel2008.com) issued a statement on his personal views on the subject. “I would like to address the issue of losing of Osama Bin Laden, with my fellow citizens and people


2008 White House Contender Daniel Imperato on Bush’s Address

December 21, 2005 – West Palm Beach, FL – Today, 2008 Presidential Contender, Daniel Imperato spoke out on President George W. Bush’s series of public address on the war in Iraq and the war on terror. “While we the people of the United States of America are people of passion, concern, and for the most


2008 White House Contender, Daniel Imperato On Nuclear Fuels

West Palm Beach, FL – December 20, 2005 – Today, 2008 White House Contender, Daniel Imperato address the US endorsement for the IAEA position on having Russia act as a watchdog for Iran’s nuclear program. “I address this situation with great concern and draw the attention to our administration and their support for allowing Russia

Imperato on Cuba, Castro, and US Relations

West Palm Beach, FL – December 20, 2005 – After last week’s Caribbean Summit in Barbados, 2008 White House Hopeful Daniel Imperato issued a statement on US Relations with Castro, Cuba, and the Caribbean. “I strongly recommend that the United States of America and its people take serious retribution of the fact that some of


DJI Takes a Look Behind the Bush At the Clinton

Today, leading presidential candidate Daniel “DJI” Imperato, expressed his interesting views on the real explanation behind our tensions with al-Qaeda and why the United States is in Iraq. “First of all I would like to say that we must support our president and we must allow our president the comfort to speak freely instead of


Headline News: What is victory? Blinded By The Bush? Mark My Words

As headline news surfaced this morning, 2008 White House contender Daniel Imperato woke up to have his words echoed through the voices of politicians and media around the globe, ‘What is Victory’. “It was great to see AOL Headline News on my computer this morning with everyone asking George Bush and our administration the quote


Leading Independent Presidential Contender Address Bush’s Speech on Iraq

November 30, 2005 – West Palm Beach, FL – With increasing opposition to the War in Iraq, today President George W. Bush issued a major policy address on our administration’s plan for Iraq. While he touched on several issues important to Iraq, one of 2008’s leading independent presidential contenders, Daniel “DJI” Imperato came out and