
Daniel Imperato to Join In The Race to the White House in 2024

Leading the way to a brighter day, Daniel Imperato will soon be announcing his run for the 2024 Presidency. It is just a matter of a few days before he formally announces his candidacy. Imperato is keenly watching the tussle and the futility of aspirants pushing and pulling each other instead of inspiring the people


Listen to the Best & Forget the Rest Tune In To Daniel Imperato 2024

Listening challenges your expectations by changing your perspective. It shows respect and appreciates your point of view while engaging in empathizing. And this may eventually lead to enhancing your relationship with the subject. Positive speaking would, therefore, hone your listening power to help build and improve self-esteem. Active listening prevents you from going astray and


Nikki Haley Challenging Donald Trump – Game Again!

The Former South Carolina Governor and United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley announced her candidacy for President recently. This is the first major challenge to Former President Donald Trump for the 2024 Republican nomination. Who Do You Support for President? Strike The Right Balance! Dear Friend, Imperato says – “Here we go, they are back at playing


Unwrapping Law, Justice & Ethics

‘Chief Justice John Roberts’s wife has been getting paid millions of dollars by corporations with cases before the court.’ Another day, another damning revelation about the U.S. Supreme Court’s utter lack of ethics. And this is just the latest ethics scandal to prove that the Supreme Court cannot be trusted to police itself. And the


We The People! Vote the Constitution

Imperato says, “We are here to cherish the concepts of Unity, Freedom, America, Blessings, Liberty, and Justice, as laid down by our founding fathers. Their writings, thoughts, and actions ultimately shape our nation.” The values they left behind are essential to understand the American spirit and form of government that is most ideal of liberty. Our


House Democrats Are United Biden To Run For President Again?

After huddling at an annual 3-day retreat in Baltimore, House Democrats, from progressives to moderates, from every corner of the party say they’ll support President Joe Biden in the 2024 election. Remember that Biden has passed three bipartisan pieces of legislation after an insurrection during a global pandemic. Both, progressive and moderate Democrat leadership and


Daniel Imperato on NAACP Call to Issue Travel Advisory for Florida

The Jacksonville Chapter of NAACP requests the Board to issue a travel advisory to the Sunshine State. They say that the laws and policies of Gov. Ron DeSantis are harsh and repressive. Racism Isn’t A Joke While the National Association for Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) works to remove all barriers of racial discrimination to