
Imperato says, “We are here to cherish the concepts of Unity, Freedom, America, Blessings, Liberty, and Justice, as laid down by our founding fathers. Their writings, thoughts, and actions ultimately shape our nation.”

The values they left behind are essential to understand the American spirit and form of government that is most ideal of liberty. Our Founding Fathers were able to do what had only been dreamed of in Europe. How they accomplished what they did is essential in the study of American history.

The process of opening world markets and expanding trade initiated by the U.S. has played an important role in the development of American prosperity. The enormity of the US economy means that we dominate global trade, finance, and international business.

Check Daniel Imperato’s Resume

Independent America (written in 2008) – Free Ebook

Year 2008 Imperato Press Releases

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Political Mafia and Judicial Tyranny – Free Ebook

This is what gives the U.S. immense power!
 By any measure, we are the wealthiest, most powerful, and most influential country in the history of the world.

But today the United States is seen as a declining superpower. This fact is pinpointed by factors like financial disorder, poor economic recovery, high deficits gaining close to GDP levels, and unemployment. Increasing political polarization and overregulation are other aspects.

The Republicans & Democrats are both equally responsible for the state of affairs. They have replaced each other over a large part of our political history. Several elements that plague them have seeped into the American community & psyche.

Vote for Constitution in 2024

The time for change has finally arrived. Daniel Imperato is a Constitutionalist candidate for the 2024 Presidential election. He is a Papal Knight, a Man of God anointed by the Holy See.

Imperato is fighting to restore American glory. He stands for your rights with righteousness as laid down in the constitution, legitimized by the global favor bestowed upon him.

Imperato asserts, “I will defend the people, protect the constitution, restore the Biblical foundation of our founding fathers, and bring the Constitution back to school.”

So go ahead and vote for the Constitution! His winning the Presidency will go a long way in reviving America;s fortune. Imperato is destined to go for it with all his might. Along with the Biblical training & biz experience that he commands.

Come join the coalition and strengthen the RAPA (Revive America’s Prayer Again) movement that he started for the purpose.

Stand for a Bright Future

It seems like America is finally ready for an independent minded candidate. To lead and guide the USA to its distinguished glory. But your contributions, no matter how small, mean a lot to development, And every contribution deserves a Free eBook ‘Independent America’ penned by Daniel Imperato.

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